There are regulatory changes being pursued by Australia Post at the moment which, if not disallowed by the Parliament, will have an immediate and devastating impact on the service Australia Post provides to our community.
I have introduced a motion to disallow the regulatory changes in the Senate, with the support of Labor. However Pauline Hanson’s One Nation is refusing to vote in support of keeping these services. It’s very disappointing that One Nation has chosen to back the Morrison Government over workers and those who rely on their mail, particularly older Australians and those who live in rural a regional areas.
But all is not lost. The disallowance will be back before the Senate when parliament resumes in August. One Nation, together with the Coalition, risks the fate of so many posties, small businesses and customers reliant on the post across Australia.
I have serious concerns about these regulatory changes. Local and stable jobs, small business and a reliable public service are all at serious risk if these changes are allowed. Older Australians and people in rural and regional areas should be able to trust and rely on the post. Further, with unemployment figures already sky-rocketing we cannot put more people and businesses out of work.
We will not let these changes to the Australia Post be pushed through the Government without a fight.