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It is time to end extinction in Australia

Right now, we are facing an extinction crisis in Australia. Pollution, destruction and corporate greed have been pushing our natural world to the point of collapse for centuries - including the wildlife that depend on it. 

Australia is the world leader for mammal extinctions in the world. Since colonisation, more than 34 mammal species have gone extinct in Australia. That’s the same number of mammal species that were lost in the rest of the world combined.

While the US and the UK are stepping up as global leaders on climate change and environmental protection, Australia continues to lag behind. It’s time for the Government to step up and adopt a zero extinction target.

Who's signing
Julie Clark
Ella Barrett
Barbara Laurie
Gu WenJie
Hannah Oxenham
Gillian Gray
Steve Bacon
Adrian McLean
Van Leeuwen Henk
Bruce Mckelvie

Will you sign?

Prime Minister,

Unless we act now, we will continue to lose precious wildlife. Your own environment department warns that more than 1,700 species and ecological communities are known to be threatened and at risk of extinction.

In order to stop the extinction crisis in Australia, we need to:

🐨 Adopt a target of zero extinction of species

🐨 Sign on to the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature

🐨 Commit to fixing our broken environmental laws

🐨 Stop clearing the habitat of koalas and other critically endangered species

Extinction means gone forever but it’s not too late to protect some of our most precious species and commit to a zero extinction target. Please step up and commit to #ZeroExtinction 

Yours Sincerely,

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