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Our wildlife and our environment are suffering.

Australia’s environmental laws are broken. They are failing to protect nature and our iconic wildlife.

It has become crystal clear that the climate crisis is a driving force behind unprecedented environmental decline and species extinction.

Currently there is no requirement in law for new mines or big developments to be assessed for their climate impact before being given environmental approval. Our 'Climate Trigger' bill will change that.

Our bill will create a new class of a ‘controlled action’ under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act where the pollution created by a project will be judged against a critical threshold for development.

Here’s more detail on what the bill will do:

  • Any project that outputs between 25k-100k tonnes of emissions in a year would have to get approval from the Environment Minister
  • Projects that output over 100k tonnes emissions would automatically be refused
  • Requires the Climate Change Authority to develop a national carbon budget to 2050 to be updated annually so that any project approved will add up to a total emissions output.
  • The Minister must also consider any potential impacts against the remaining carbon budget when developing bioregional plans, conservation agreements, and strategic assessments.

It’s crazy that in the midst of this climate crisis and environmental collapse that a new mine or development can get environmental approval without any consideration of climate pollution or damage.

Join our call to put a Climate Trigger in place to stop new coal and gas and protect our environment and our wildlife.


Who's signing
Catherine Connolly
Hayden Young
Fiona Williams
Charles Blustein
Rosemary Hurford
Lokesh Sangarya
Deborah Hiller
Pete Atherton
Tim Boydle
Matthew Hauser
Alison Matthews
Mark Cramond
Bernie Von Aspern
Joanne Bairstow
Jai Downes
Derek Robertson
Andrea Selmeczi
Paul Harris
Sharon Russell
Jeremy Taylor
Nicholas Benson
Rosie Jacka
Michael Windsor
James Pedrocchi
Philip Ball
Judy Rees
L Granger
Peter Morris
Michael Livingstone
Gary Marsh

Will you sign?

Dear Prime Minister,

CC - Environment Minister

The alarm has well and truly been sounded. Australia’s environmental laws are broken. They are failing to protect nature and our iconic wildlife. it’s time to act by building a better world for future generations that is kinder to the environment.

I call on you to take action to address the climate and extinction crisis in Australia, by:

🐨 Committing to stronger environmental laws and implement a 'Climate Trigger' that would end the development of new coal and gas, a major threat to our environment and threatened species.

🐨 Adopting a target of zero extinction of species to protect vulnerable and threatened species.

🐨 Stopping rampant clearing of koala and critically endangered species habitats.

🐨 Investing in job rich programs which will help restore our environment, including more funding for First Nations Ranger programs.

Unless we act now, we will continue to lose precious wildlife. 

Yours Sincerely,

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