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Media freedom is central to democracy

Media freedom and whistleblower protection isn’t just about journalists, it’s about the public’s right to know.

A free press and protection for whistleblowers to speak truth to power is essential for a robust and healthy democracy. Journalism is not a crime and legislation should protect them, not criminalise them.

Will you sign?

Attention: Attorney-General,

An attack on media freedom is an attack on all Australians. 

Journalism is not a crime and legislation should protect them, not criminalise them.

A free press and protection for whistleblowers to speak truth to power is essential for a robust and healthy democracy.

It is my right to know the truth. The truth about tax dollars spent and decisions made behind closed doors. 

I therefore call on the Attorney-General to ensure media freedom and whistleblower protections by supporting the development of a Media Freedom Act.


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