We have had enough. Enough with the bad behaviour. Enough with the harassment. Enough with the abuse. Enough of the boys’ club. And we have had enough of the excuses.
Over recent weeks, Parliament House has been rocked by allegations of rape. First the extremely brave Brittany Higgins, a former Liberal staffer, recounted her story of rape at the hands of a senior male staffer in the Defence Minister’s office. Now, Australia’s Attorney-General Christian Porter has been accused of raping a 16 year old in 1988. Mr Porter denies the allegation. The woman sadly took her own life last year and police are not pursuing a criminal investigation.
A collective voice is growing for an independent inquiry into the allegations to determine whether the Attorney-General is a fit and proper person to hold his position in the Australian Government. The Prime Minister who appoints members of his cabinet has rejected the call. Yet PM Scott Morrison has not even read the letter and brief of evidence sent to him by friends of the alleged victim. The woman’s voice has not been heard.
The woman was from my home town of Adelaide and I know many people here who knew and loved her want to make sure her voice is heard. Family and friends of the woman, and a growing majority of Australians, want an inquiry and I am committed to ensuring their voices, the victim’s voice, is heard.
Across Australia, women are speaking out about the bad behaviour we’ve had to put up with for too long. We are in the midst of a moment of reckoning. It’s been a long time coming.
✍🏼 Add your name to the collective voice calling for an inquiry, cultural change and the leadership we need.
Together we can demand an inquiry, we can demand cultural change and we can demand the leadership women and young girls desperately need and decent men expect, right now.
Together we are stronger.