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Meet Sarah
Sarah's Vision
Real Action on Climate
Protecting the Environment
Caring for People
Restoring integrity in politics
Standing up for South Australia
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Climate trigger
Save Our Koalas
Protect our Bight
Art Matters
Zero Extinction
Media Diversity
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What matters to you?
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Which issue is the MOST important to you?
(please select one)
More water for the Murray-Darling Basin.
Phase out fossil fuels
Cap rents and mortgages and build affordable housing
Clean up politics and ban corporate donations
Re-power our economy with renewable energy
Protect our environment and strengthen environment laws
Cost of living
women's safety and addressing gendered violence
Compassion for refugees
A strong independent ABC and SBS
Tackling climate change
Stop the supermarkets price gouging
Protect the Great Australian Bight and ban drilling for oil and gas
Increase Newstart
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