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It’s too good to waste

The nuclear waste dump site selection process is fundamentally flawed, has fallen short of international best practice and failed to secure the consent of Traditional Owners.

The Federal Government has no mandate to situate a radioactive waste management facility in South Australia. The community of Kimba have been significantly impacted by the ongoing mismanagement of the site selection process.

It is imperative that all stakeholders within transport corridors in South Australia, every community impacted by the potential thoroughfare of nuclear waste should be fully informed of the relevant costs and benefits, throughout the transport chain, and offered the opportunity to have their say on the proposal.

The proposed double-handling of intermediate-level radioactive waste is not consistent with international best practice. Alternatives should be canvassed, including the suspension of the site selection process until a permanent disposal site can be identified.

Who's signing
Anton Scholte
Adrian McLean

Will you sign?

Dear Prime Minister

I oppose the Federal Government placing a national radioactive waste management facility in Kimba, South Australia.

The site selection process was mismanaged and fell short of international best practice. There is no consent from the Traditional Owners peak Aboriginal organisation, The Barngarla People.

I call on the Federal Government to halt the process and establish a full inquiry into all radioactive waste management options, which has never been conducted.

In addition, it is imperative that all stakeholders within transport corridors be consulted. Communities should be fully informed of the relevant costs and benefits, throughout the transport chain, and offered the opportunity to have their say on the proposal.


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