Take Action for the Murray-Darling, Lower Lakes and Coorong!
On 1 May local community members, fishers, environmentalists, farmers and families will gather to send a mayday for the Coorong all the way to Canberra. Please join us!!
It is crunch time for our precious Murray-Darling Basin. A crucial vote in the federal senate on May 8 will determine if we get the water we need to keep our Coorong healthy and a plan that delivers right across the Murray-Darling Basin
Join us to send a strong message: The Murray mouth is on a trajectory to be closed 9 out of every 10 years. We need the 450GL promised for our precious Coorong environments, for our sustainable industries, for our future. Rivers die from the mouth up so a healthy Murray Mouth is essential for a healthy Murray-Darling Basin.
Gather on Sugars Beach on Hindmarsh Island at 10.30am for an 11am media fly over. Make a placard, wear you waders, dress up as a pelican, make an impact!
RSVP for numbers at: https://www.conservationsa.org.au/mayday_for_the_coorong